Hacking How-To's

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Well a lot of people have asked me to update so i have. I would also just like to say one thing you may need special equipment to do any hacking also get a shell account first you can check out this site for one http://www.ductape.net/~mitja/freeunix.shtml . Finally LEARN UNIX!!!! That is all.
Hacking is not just my hobbie it's my life but I remeber when I just started and nobody would help me and it took forever for me to find helpful sites to teach me to. Now I'm not an Elite and I don't hack into the goverment or bank but... I am a Hacker. I can hack into playstation, cellphones, and even a furby. I also can hack into computers. But anyway if your a newbie at hacking there are a lot of links to help you and guess what... Most are on my site. But let me just give you one warning NEVER WHEN ON A SITE WHICH HACKERS CONTROL OR SUCH DOWNLOAD ANYTHING OR CLICK ON! THIS IS ALSO FOR POP-UPS! BUT my site is safe for now... 

Check out my links for sites that will help you learn to hack and do other fun stuff like chat with real hackers BUT DO NOT GIVE THEM YOUR E-MAIL, PHONE NUMBER, OR ANY OTHER PERSONAL INFORMATION TO THEM!


Grey laptop


Hack the World!!