Bio for The Elite One-
I know most of you probably wonder why I won't hack into the
goverment or bank anymore. Well it's because I almost got caught it was too close for me but if anyone hacks into anything
on our site I will hack you. Some of you may wonder why I am typing like this well most ametuers will read this and hopefully
this is easiest for them to understand. But I am an Elite.
I like to read and write books. Drawing is my favorite
past time
- Elite
Well Elite one that was the " best " bio I have
heard all night. Anyway my turn. So I can't hack into the goverment yet but hey I can still hack into big business companies.
I like to joke around pull pranks and such. But as the Elite one would say "That is dumb and immature" well who asked you
anyway. Besides that I love hacking and talking to anonymous people who I have no idea who they are on the internet or anywhere
actually. But they call me Intermediate so people realize that I'm not an ametuer if they don't know what most people
call "intermediate" hackers then I'm not going to explain because I'm tired am going now later. - Intermediate
Hi! I'm the ametuer it's not fair I wanna be an Elite but they
always say not yet wait untill you learn more and stuff like that. Besides that I like riding my bike and hacking. You probably
already guessed I'm the youngest and Elite is the oldest. It's not fair. I like pizza and soda especially with yogurt on the
pizza it's really good you gotta try it. I have to go I gotta go to sleep.
Bye - Ametuer (it's not fair)
Well that one had to be my favorite yup right there now I just
have to tell you some things -Intermediate
- I talk differntly personally than on other pages of this site.
- I do most of the work on this site that's why I am on the home
- Unfortunetly we all agreed whatever we wrote about ourselves
or the other owners of this site we would not erase because it is thier own opinion.
Random Typing from the Elite one
Idiots they expect me to type randomly for others amuesment.
Well as the "intermidiate one" would say "Your too stressed relax chill out "Well who cares what you say
I'm already relaxed if you cannot see I'm not using proper puntuation meaning I am relaxed like I said proper puntuaction.
Random Typing from the Intermidiate on
Random Typing from the Ametuer
e5l.4sw354788 /lkm;9uy8g56s 7iiur5dfygh yghuy 54sjk9p0) u89y7ufrfcgtghvtfrswqasqyfoiliklifyf6lrdsig;uoiytudswasdfkuihiklni875r34rfgvhbytg